Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Coercive Persuasion

     Shortly after I left this group (that's another long story), I came into contact with other people who had also left the group and the stories that I started to hear were very disturbing. Aside from my own story, I started hearing stories from friends about being manipulated: being taken advantage of emotionally, spiritually, personally, physically, sexually and financially. I was quite simply appalled by the power that these people exert over their "flock" all in the name of having their "higher" interests at heart. It had been clear to me for a long time before I left that I was involved in a manipulative cult. Now I became concerned about my friends who were still captive by the group and innocent people new to the group being led unknowingly down this path.

     To this end, I decided to put up a website warning people about the group. This website is still standing at I started to receive many inquiries both from members, former members and from families who had loved ones that they suspected were part of the group. Because of the feedback that I was getting, I realized just how important it was to put the truth out into the world.  I also started a blog which, alas, has been removed by the group.
     At this moment, I have five lawsuits pending against me, all initiated by the cult in order to silence me. This has been going on for three years.

     This is all on the public record.

To be continued...