Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bounded Choice

I am going to start here where I left off the last post with the words: "I am saddest for those who are still lost in that world where you cannot ask any questions and where there are no real answers."

I realized that my husband's being thrown out of school was in actuality, a blessing in disguise. I got home from Montana and left a short message on Robert's answering machine saying that I would not be returning to school and that I would appreciate it if he didn't call me.

Was he actually thrown out or what it just the universe responding to my request for something to change? I realize in retrospect that they had wanted for him to leave and to keep me because, yes, I had some money, and that's what it was really all about. My husband, on the other hand, insists that Sharon threw him out because he failed to recite Gurdjieff's Five Obligolnian Strivings which she always wanted him to do for her. Maybe it was because having had a stroke, he was a risk to keep around or maybe it was really was because of the children's play that he had "inadequately" prepared. It doesn't really matter now because now we are free.